Welcome to the Stratton PTO Website
This site is more than just a directory, it is the new Stratton PTO website. Once you register and create an account, you can simply log in by entering your email address and password. Be sure to bookmark this site and check back often to learn about the latest happenings around the school and in our PRIDE Community.
Annual Drive is Closed!!
Just because you missed our big push, doesn't mean your contributions aren't important. Please consider donating to the Stratton PTO So we can continue to offer programming to our students and faculty!
Donate Now!
School Supplies!
Summer is winding down and the PTO has been hard at work supplying our school with the tools our students need to succeed. To reimburse the PTO please follow the following link:
You can find this page under My Forms/Paperwork under the Account tab of this website.
The Stratton PTO spends about $134 per student.
You can see the breakdown in our community presentation.
There are many ways to support the PTO including Venmo! (@Stratton180)
Breakfast & Lunch Program Menus
Stratton offers all students free breakfast and lunch. Wondering what's on the menu for this month? Take a look at the menus below.
Happy Summer!!
Dear Stratton Community,
As students head into the summer, we wanted to share a resource thoughtfully crafted by the Stratton staff and PTO to help students Stay Sharp this summer. In the past, these Stay Sharp resources were sent home in a folder in your child's backpacks with printed copies of materials, but this year we went digital - with the exception of a gift certificate to our local bookstore The Book Rack, which will come home with your child from their teacher.
To access the online Stay Sharp Documents for grade specific activities for each grade level:
Visit the Stratton Website
Under the Families tab click on Stay Sharp
In addition, below are some handy links and a collection of local resources and outings you may want to consider checking out this summer.
2024-2025 School Calendar: All the school holidays for the upcoming Arlington school year.
Robbins Library: You can reserve free or reduced-cost passes to many museums and attractions. The librarians will also help you find fiction and nonfiction books to extend your museum visit into family reading.
Arlington Children's Theater: Catch this summer's performance of Triple Threat Cabaret
Robbins Farm Park: Join neighbors for the Independence Day celebration or concerts.
Boston Public Library - Concerts in the Courtyard: Attend a free lunchtime concert in their courtyard.
CityPASS: With this CityPASS ticket bundle, you can visit famous attractions like the JFK Library, Museum of Science, New England Aquarium, and Museum of Fine Arts at a reduced price.
Boston Central: The Best Things to do in Boston Today from our Calendar of Events
We look forward to seeing everyone back in the Fall!
Warm Regards,
Stratton PTO
Volunteer Opportunities
Please fill out the above form if you would like to help out!
or Email info@strattonpto.org with any interests, questions, or comments!
Your PTO, You're PTO, You Are PTO
The Stratton PTO is here to help Stratton families be a part of this community.
We believe in Community, Equity, and Pride.
Your PTO helps provide:
Staff and Classroom Support- Classroom Support Grants allow teachers to get fully reimbursed by the PTO for materials, and provide supplemental resources and equipment that enhance the classroom experience.
Enrichment- destination and in-house field trips, cultural guest speakers and artists, and Math and Science Night.
Community Building- family-centered events, free PRIDE T-shirts, financial assistance, recess closet, and interest club funding.
Remember, as soon as your child(ren) start attending Stratton, not only are you part of the PRIDE; but you are also part of the PTO!
Please see our Fundraising page for details on how we are raising money to reach those goals or Our PTO page to reach out with any questions, or opportunities to help!
Below is the breakdown of fund usage for the 2023-2024 school year:

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