We will present 3 major opportunities for charitable giving and fundraising participation this school year.

  1. Our Annual Fall Fundraising Drive

    This major fundraiser's primarily goal is to get as many members of the Stratton community as possible to give to the PTO in whatever way they can. Typically accounts for about 1/3 of our annual budget. The Annual Drive is held in the Fall.

  2. Our Online Auction

    The online auction is an opportunity to score great deals on highly desired summer camps. We source donations from some of the most in-demand summer camps and present them to you for bidding. This year we are hoping to expand to offer more camps, and maybe even some special items. The auction will account for another 1/3 of our budget.

  3. Pride-a-Thon

    Unique to Stratton, our Pride-A-Thon is our attempt to introduce community service to our student body. Rather than asking our students to sell products, or walk miles, we ask that students think of ways to be of service to others. Pride-A-Thon encourages students to help their neighbors, clean up our streets, or just do something nice for someone else. This year we hope to bring back the coveted Pride-A-Thon trophy, as well as re-introduce some well-loved Stratton experiences as potential prizes. This is a great way to get extended family involved with fundraising and supporting our school. The final 1/3 of our budget will be raised here.

In order to facilitate our School's Enrichment programming, and provide classroom support through Teacher Grants, our operational expenditures run approximately $60,000 per school year.

Examples of past fundraisers!